Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Kids are Kids

White, red, black, brown, fat, skinny, tall, short, wide narrow, loud, quiet, fast slow whatever the shape kids will always be kids. They start of small like babies and then they grow into toddles thinking the world revolves around them and nobody else.  Kids are kids.  The measure we bend over for them to please them, cheer them and keep them happy is enormous.  "No, the world is not your oyster", we tell them but they either cannot hear or  do not want to listen, yet we still love them cause kids are kids. From  an early age they will conquer and experience so many mountains which in our eyes are insignificant but to them ............ah what joy, elation, experience and satisfaction they will have when they achieve.  Remember to praise, to love, to hug, to cold, carress and speak good words to encourage and to insprie little lives.  How quick we are to forget that we were young once too and they same joys and experiences we had once experienced ourselves. For the kids in our care, remember they were given to us for a reason, never crush their spirit but raise them up in dignity and honour and always remember kids are kids.